Dare do

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“Dare Do!” started with my release of the DareDo Planner, a planner on life design that you can fit into your pocket that allows you to plan out a whole year as you see fit. After a couple thousands of sold copies, I decided to offer this planner for free in digital format. You can download it here. Based on the planner, I then built an in-person course that I delivered to a couple hundred people in several contexts, corporate programs or personal development workshops.

Then, I recreated this course and adapted it for online delivery.As time went on, I used the techniques and information in this course during various projects and camps, delivering it to thousands of young people which are now familiar with the “Dream, Plan, Dare and Do” formula. If you want to find out more about this formula, know that I gave a speech at TEDX Thessaloniki in 2018 on this topic. You can see the full speech here: https://www.ted.com/talks/armina_sirbu_dream_plan_daredo

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